Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Rx Can I Buy In Cancun

Bill Arthur 2 'premiere in Berlin: Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel talks about love, pizza , and "Twilight "Bill Kaulitz

With sterling silver chains, leather gloves, nail polish black with her hair of 40 cm, Bill Kaulitz (20) is presented and captures the attention of the whole world! However, in an interview the leader of Tokio Hotel are very friendly and seems like a good boy. Airs and grace, therefore, zero! The crowd is still soaking it in the city this Sunday. The occasion was the premiere of the new fantasy film "Arthur und die Minimoys 2", where Bill attended bending voice. Previously, Mark Tschiedert met him for an interview at the Ritz Carlton.

  • Doblas for the second time the voice of Arthur, do you like the sound?
BILL: I hate to hear me speak at all. I have never been in an interview. However, my song I am accustomed to, and since you can control the sound even more. In a speech I say without thinking too much about it.

For the first time, Arthur emperimenta love. What does this mean for you?

BILL: I think that probably never sucederña, and nothing has changed so far. I hope to remain good, but now I'm being realistic. Miro last 5 years and I have no possibility of falling in love. No dates to fall in love, you have to realize that one normally does not know when it will come. not get contacts.

  • What would be the person of your dreams?
BILL: You should not see! I am certainly not something I prefer to external and hair color. But I believe in love at first sight and it would be easy to guess if the person is in front of me. Of course, I had girlfriends, but only up to my 15 years. After that, I have not had any more, which I find too little for a boy of 20 years.
  • Millions of girls are dying for you. How do you hold this constant cry?
BILL: With live concerts and loud music have used the ears. So the red carpet is not strong enough for me.
  • Do Japanese women cry differently than the German?
BILL: No, at least I have not noticed the difference! Everywhere we have the most energy. My nightmare would be if the fans do nothing but applaud. Energy need of the fans who let out all their emotions. It shakes me up inside.
  • "How is success in private life? Is it a drop?
BILL: Something like a private life I have. And I should not fool me either. That's why I almost never walk, and if so my guards are always there. Normal contact with people unfortunately do not know anything and I have described rather as an unsociable.
  • Simply choose your time you can not ...
BILL: I love it! For me, some people do to get it all in just two years. But now I would choose the time for myself that does not fill my fridge. In America, I was once at night at 3 am in a totally empty supermarket. Since I'm the one that caught my attention, only this is how I can go shopping.
  • Your refrigerator is full?
BILL: Since I am rarely at home, I have only the common things as bread and coating. During lunch, I'm very simple I may not like the 5-star restaurants. I'd rather eat pasta and pizza. My freezer is bigger than my fridge is full of frozen pizza, so it goes straight to the oven.
  • You'll always very stylish, do you recognize the fans even without taking makeup?
BILL: Of course! When I go to the airport, I get the opposite: I cap and tracksuit. But my fans know me, even my nose apart.
  • How long do you need to fix?
BILL: I do in the meantime, in my routine, between shower and that takes about an hour. I do all that and others have a problem with that approach me to leave. By the way, I take anywhere to do it and when I see pictures of three years ago I also think like you should be running to fix both. But there is nothing to shame me for what I felt at that moment, and rightly so.
  • What is most important?
BILL: My family is there, it keeps me on the floor, and without my twin brother Tom could not survive a single day. Even if we are separated by visitors, and today, we miss. Tom is my beginning, we both feel incomplete without the other and the need is total.
  • often compare you to Michael Jackson. Are you afraid to finish the same way?
BILL: His death was really a very serious and I will not give my opinion about it because I think his death has become a kind of cannibalism by all. Even Michael Jackson has the right to be left alone and would like to contribute a little.
  • But like Jackson, who also chose an androgynous appearance ...

BILL: Yes, that was a fully automatic development. Even in school I have been turned away and had already begun to be different at age 11 when I started to dye my hair. Then I started to eye makeup and paint my nails. He looked like a boy vampire movies, which probably inspired me.
  • Speaking of vampires, you just get strong competition with Robert Pattinson. Are you a fan of "Twilight"?
BILL: Of course! And I was quite skeptical at first, when suddenly all told me his story. Then I saw the first movie and found it really cool.
  • How do you deal with the fact the topic of men and is often said that you are gay?
BILL: That's one thing that bores me a lot! That happens automatically and is part of society. It is an obvious fact, and then rumored something. It is a fact that kids are for me, but it seems perfectly acceptable. Why not? TRANSLATION


Photos Arthur and the Invisibles premiere - Berlin (22:11:09)


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