Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sudden Heart Numbness On One Left Side

17 questions to Tokio Hotel

The German rock band may seem intense on stage, but we got a space in your room to discuss appointments and films, only have jokes and good sense of humor!

  • When was your first kiss?

Gustav: I was 14 years old.
Bill: I had my first kiss with the same girl with Tom. We had 10 years of age
Tom: If we had the same girl, I was first
Bill: The first was Tom and the next day I was.

  • Who is your favorite celebrity?

Bill: I think the Olsen twins are cute.
Tom: To me, it's Jessica Alba.

  • Is there a fashion trend that confuses?

Tom: wellies (boots)
Bill: Si. It seems like if you go to work somewhere

  • What is the secret movie for girls you like?

Tom: The Notebook is great
Bill: I like Meet Joe Black. Georg
: Like Marley and Me, but it is sad.

  • What is your favorite show on TV?

Bill: I really liked Prison Break. That show was really cool. Tom and Gustav
: King of Queens.
Bill: I like Nip Tuck.

  • Who would act in the film version of their lives?

Tom: For me it would be Brad Pitt.
Gustav: My favorite actor is dead. It was James Dean, and now I do not know.

  • What is the job of your dreams?

Bill: want to do something with fashion
Georg: do not know. Tom
(Georg): Always wanted to be a dentist.
Gustav: I'd be a police officer.

  • If they could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?

Tom: For me it would be Jessica Alba.
Bill: for me because I think George would not be such an easy life - nothing to do on stage!

  • Who are your closest family?

Bill: We (Bill and Tom) are brothers, we have no secret. Georg
: For me, it's my mother.
Gustav: My sister.

  • What is your favorite Web site?

Bill: not check it very often, but I check my email. My favorite site is Google.
Tom: Google or YouTube. I have a blog, and sometimes I look for new videos.

  • What is fast food with which they could not live?

Gustav: Bill and Tom: Pizza!
Tom: I think the best pizza you can get is in New York. It is really good.

  • What is your worst habit?

Bill: Georg is always late . G
eorg: Sometimes I'm a little late.
Tom: Georg lazy. And Bill, I do not know. He sings too often. He is always singing the whole day. And I have no bad habit.
Bill: No, you do not have. He is perfect.

  • What is the last song you heard on your iPod?

Tom: A song from the new album from Jay-Z.
Bill: For me it was "It Means Nothing" by Stereophonics.
Gustav: ''The Best''by Phil Collins.

  • What is the last thing you bought?

Bill: A cup of coffee. Tom
: coffee, a pen, and gum.

  • "dreamed last night?

Tom: I can not remember .
Bill: I was tired. I think I had a dream.
Tom: Sometimes [Bill and I] dream the same things.
Bill: We met for breakfast and talk about our dreams each other, and are the same. It's crazy!

  • How much money is in your wallet now?

Georg: Zero.
Bill: Nothing.
Tom: I have 50 euros . Georg
: Tom has all our money. He is our bank.

  • Fill in the blank: When I was 17 I was / was ______________.

Tom: really, really a good person
Georg: looked good.
Tom: I was a person with good looks and a good person in general.
Bill: I was on tour.
Gustav: On tour and a great band.


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