Saturday, December 5, 2009

Build A Vanity Over A Toilet

A Double Bill (oO "x a moment I thought it was real) Bill

Funbrain Cheats For Planetary

The shoes

Friday, December 4, 2009

Best Metal To Block Wifi Waves

Why Do I Have A Posterior Cervix, Not Pregnant

Dulex Edition . html

Bill Kaulitz, singer mega rock androgynous German band Tokio Hotel, told the Berlin tabloid BZ Monday that her love life was a big disappointment despite being adored by thousands of teenagers across the world.
"If I think of the last five years, I had the opportunity to fall in love," Kaulitz said, admitting the last time you had a serious girlfriend was when he was 15. "That really is not enough for a 20-year-old."

Kaulitz, known as much for his flamboyant appearance as his music, said he doubted that they really fall in love in the short term.

"That will probably never happen to me," he told BZ. "I hope I'm wrong, but now that is a realistic assessment. No appointments and no chance to meet anyone normal."

But he said of speculation that he was gay because of his penchant for big hair and makeup it was "almost boring" and what you expect: "I think it's all good when guys like me. Why should not it be? ".

lead singer of rock band from Magdeburg also lamented how he had changed stardom everyday aspects of life.

" I have people who take care of everything - which is great for the first two years, "said Kaulitz. "But today I'd like to decide my own way to fill my fridge.

But only once dared to satisfy your shopping needs - at a supermarket in the United States at 3 am, when the store was completely empty. "That was the first time I realized how much there is to buy," he said.

How Far Does Pleuracy Spread

Bill Kaulitz is not happy and looking for love

Bill Kaulitz has never been so thoughtful! Only BRAVO, the leader of Tokio Hotel reveals what it feels sad sometimes.

In a recording studio located in a backyard in Schöneberg, Berlin. On the first floor of the singer Bill Kaulitz (20) meets with a reading of BRAVO, Nora (13). BRAVO she won a role in speaking on "Arthur and the Minimoys 2." Bill gives voice to Arthur. Now the singer of Tokio Hotel takes care of Nora, helping with the recordings. Both are understood perfectly, Bill has fun and laughs all the time. But suddenly, he shows a completely different side when you interview BRAVO.

Bravo: Bill, are you happy?

Bill: I'm totally happy with my career. Our album "Humanoid" is awesome. In most European countries we are doing much better on the sales list last two albums. I wish my private life is also fine. I do not know that I have to do to be happy, but I'm not.

Bravo: Any idea why this?

Bill: It is perhaps because I have no time to be happy with the things I experienced. Even I could not celebrate our success and enjoy. Well, as always I have something new to do. And I miss dearly love. Unfortunately ...

Bravo: How do you find it? May we help?

Bill: Do not know (sigh). There are many people trying to find love in a realilty show. "Bill love" would not really my thing. Find a girl in front of the camera is impossible. I'd like to meet someone private, but I know it is unfortunately unlikely. Not even leave home to shop!

Bravo: And why do not you escape from your world and go out without bodyguards?

Bill: To be honest, I never would try to do this, it scares me! Especially in Europe is really hard for me to visit a club alone. Even if security were me, I seem like it's a photo shoot or a record company. Then I feel like an animal in a zoo. But this is the life of a star. You may find someone related to my work ... Who knows? If love comes then it will definitely be by chance.

Bravo: But at least you are happy with yourself?

Bill: Sometimes I do not stand myself. I do not watch my performances. I do not see on TV. It also bothers me that constantly think of something, I'm very nervous. I always check twice if the doors are closed. I look at least 10 times if I forget something. I think I should be more relaxed. That's it.

Bravo: Are you afraid of the future?

Bill: Yes Who knows what I'll be doing in 5 or 10 years? The worst thing would be to have an office job. This is not really my thing. Since the school had an authority problem. Simply I can not hear anyone ordered something, and I hope always be my own boss.

Bravo: Do \u200b\u200byou struggle - or are you more persistent?

Bill: I'm very emotional, cry at the other guys and team members, if something is not working properly, or does not fit in my field.

Bravo: What happens in a fight of Tokio Hotel?

Bill: Before, we fought. Today the pressure is more psychological ...

Bravo: Really? How have you been?

Bill: We talk to each other or cancel dates when I'm really happy with a photoshoot and Tom gets mad with me, and I canceled everything secret. But the next day usually anger is over.

Bravo: Have you had a fight in which they have come to say: "Enough!" I'm leaving! "?

Bill: No one says it out loud but it happens that for the mind. There are times when you think: "I will not anymore! I leave it all behind" ... And I have some time for me.

Bravo: What are those situations in which everything is too much for you?

Bill: When I go I have no more ideas. There are days I just want to pack my things and not wanting anything to do with the band for a year. But in the end I think the fans in the power they give us and how well they happened to be the leader of Tokio Hotel. Info

Bella Cucina Rocket Blender Kamyx Info

HUGE Tokio Hotel Fund-raiser!

Tokio Hotel Had Already successfully teamed up with Designers Against AIDS this past spring for the worldwide campaign against AIDS äFashion! They raised money for projects fighting AIDS / HIV awareness and to Increase Amongst young people about it!

Now, Bill, Tom, Gustav & George decides to kick-off a new campaign to raise money for the good cause! For this occasion, Tokio Hotel & DAA created a button set which is available from now on in their official shop! All profits generated through this very special item from Dec. 1, 2009 û Dec. 31, 2009 will be donated to Designers Against AIDS to support projects like building the new DAA education center.

Aside from purchasing the button set, you can also submit donations directly and get a chance to win 10 autographed Fashion Against AIDS shirts or the grand prize of two concert tickets PLUS a meet & greet with the band. Shake hands with Tokio Hotel at a concert location of your choice at their upcoming, spectacular äWelcome to HUMANOID CITYô-Tour.

Support the fight against HIV / AIDS with Bill, Tom, Gustav & Georg. For more information on how YOU CAN HELP, Tokio Hotel Official visit shop!


Tokio Hotel already successfully partnered with Designers Against AIDS last spring for äFashion global campaign against AIDS! It raised money for projects to combat HIV / AIDS and to raise awareness about young people!

Now, Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg decided to launch a new campaign to raise money for good causes! For this occasion, Tokio Hotel & DAA SET created a button that is now available in its official store! All profits generated through this special point of December 1, 2009 or December 31, 2009 will be donated to Designers Against AIDS to support projects like the construction of the ISU new education center.

addition to acquiring the setup button, you can also send donations directly and have the opportunity to earn 10 jersey autographed Fashion against AIDS or the grand prize of two concert tickets PLUS a meeting with the band. Shake hands with a Tokio Hotel concert of their choice in their next spectacular äWelcome to Humanoid City-Tour.

Support the fight against HIV / AIDS Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg. For more information sobre cómo usted puede ayudar, visite Tokio tienda oficial HotelÆs!

Ocean City Maryland Senior Week Houses On 5th

Humanoid songs and their composers

1. Noise - Tom Kaulitz - Dave Roth
2. Dark side Of The Sun - Patrick Benzner - David Jost
3. Automatic - Tom Kaulitz - Bill Kaulitz
4. World Behind My Wall - David Jost - Dave Roth
5. Humanoid - Bill Kaulitz - David Jost
6. Forever Now - Patrick Benzner - David Jost
7. Pain Of Love - Dave Roth
8. Dogs Unleashed - Martin Kierszenbaum - Dave Roth
9. Human Connect To Human - Bill Kaulitz - Dave Roth
10. Alien (English) - Dave Roth - Tom Kaulitz
11. Phantomrider - David Jost
12. Zoom Into Me - Bill Kaulitz - David Jost
13. Love & Death - Dave Roth - Tom Kaulitz
14. Hey You - Patrick Benzner - David Jost
15. That Day - The Matrix, David Jost (probably The Matrix)
16. Screamin '- David Jost

Can You Take A Snooker Cue As Hand Luggage


ay ... ... !!!!!! Kolera
q me so many people in the art world is the grip kontra tokio hotel, now I turn to toko
OLSEN chek following:
so is tokita @ s.. The kaulitz twins were insulted by the olsen!

a lot of stupid things said of them, sinedo they are fans of them: this interview is the proof that is a hollow, anorexic, drug addicted, drunk superficial and conceited little girls .. (Everything is checked)

Interview the Olsen twins on the Twins

OK: not if they are thinking of the rumor ke fans are famous, such as Angelina Jolie ... or kaulitz brothers of the band ...

* Mary-Kate: tokio hotel ... if we learn by a television ...

OK: ke think about it? ashley: I feel great especially when they are ... cute boys cute boys (the twins) like pretty girls (they??)

Mary-Kate: a I do not like at all is but sometimes when I hear the radio and pass one of their songs I have to change the dial ke ... really scary ...

OK: ke in an interview because the company had told them things amazing you, highlighting its beautiful nose

Ashley: If this bill ... I called haci ke no matter ... well ... it's so cute, we have our myspace page. com and many fans kieren ke go out with them ... I like tom bill is ... hem ...

Mary-kate: it's ... nice ... just ke mature boy! have terms? -19 - ... 19! crituritas resemble one of 15 ... and please ...

OK: not go out with them?

Ashley: I am ... with tom bill with no, is very childish ... haha \u200b\u200bdo not worry about mary-kate she is not dating cualkiera ... (cualkiera told a tom)

Mary-kate: do not know ... mature ... ke would have to learn to sing (a bill) ... have more style and not imitators ... and above all things would have ke ... fat!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Toy Poodles Ovarian Cancer

In an interview with Bravo, Georg Listing, Tokio Hotel, has confirmed that he has a girlfriend!

BRAVO: Which one of you in love?
Georg: I \u200b\u200bhave a girlfriend. We've been together six months ago. She is not famous and he does not like to be. We met at a party in Magdeburg - and now it seems that this is the great love. The boys are also very happy ...

Boys Tokyo Hotel also talked about their new album, and Miley Cyurs. You can read the rest of the interview here.

Attracted To Indian Women

Lass uns laufen (Spanish) - Tokio Hotel Tokio Hotel

How Long Do You Boil Metal To Sterolize It

Zoom-translated into Spanish

How To Wear A Pin On A Shirt

Perez Hilton: Bill Kaulitz

Thankfully he did not hurt in her pretty little face !
Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel lucky to be alive! The singer had a serious car accident last week driving his Audi Q7 on the streets of Germany.
"I was alone in the car on the way to Berlin. Normally I'm a very careful driver, I never had an accident and never hurried. Suddenly another car pulled me no indication ahacia. Trying to avoid lost control of the wheel, "said Bill.
the end, he slammed into the guardrails and escaped unharmed!
" I tried to exit the car immediately. I pushed the door with all my strength and called the police on my mobile phone. I was very upset and in shock. Police tried to calm down the phone, "he continued." My brother Tom was insanely worried. I saw the images before my eyes many times and could not sleep at all. All have supported me and tried to make me feel better. "
Anyway, the event is something that will stay with him forever and has made him appreciate life!
"I think about the accident every day. I think we still need some time to assimilate it. It is very deep. I thought I would not leave there alive. I've never been so close to death! It's a miracle I'm still alive. In times like these you realize what is really important in life and learn to appreciate it again, "said the singer kind. "At such a time just trying to save your life. With another car that could have ended differently. Still have not got a scratch."
And the day after the accident, Bill Rock at the MTV Awards in Berlin!
a trooper!
I'm glad you're okay, bb!

Weapon To Combat Being Alone

serious car accident photo car accident after

What Rx Can I Buy In Cancun

Bill Arthur 2 'premiere in Berlin: Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel talks about love, pizza , and "Twilight "Bill Kaulitz

With sterling silver chains, leather gloves, nail polish black with her hair of 40 cm, Bill Kaulitz (20) is presented and captures the attention of the whole world! However, in an interview the leader of Tokio Hotel are very friendly and seems like a good boy. Airs and grace, therefore, zero! The crowd is still soaking it in the city this Sunday. The occasion was the premiere of the new fantasy film "Arthur und die Minimoys 2", where Bill attended bending voice. Previously, Mark Tschiedert met him for an interview at the Ritz Carlton.

  • Doblas for the second time the voice of Arthur, do you like the sound?
BILL: I hate to hear me speak at all. I have never been in an interview. However, my song I am accustomed to, and since you can control the sound even more. In a speech I say without thinking too much about it.

For the first time, Arthur emperimenta love. What does this mean for you?

BILL: I think that probably never sucederña, and nothing has changed so far. I hope to remain good, but now I'm being realistic. Miro last 5 years and I have no possibility of falling in love. No dates to fall in love, you have to realize that one normally does not know when it will come. not get contacts.

  • What would be the person of your dreams?
BILL: You should not see! I am certainly not something I prefer to external and hair color. But I believe in love at first sight and it would be easy to guess if the person is in front of me. Of course, I had girlfriends, but only up to my 15 years. After that, I have not had any more, which I find too little for a boy of 20 years.
  • Millions of girls are dying for you. How do you hold this constant cry?
BILL: With live concerts and loud music have used the ears. So the red carpet is not strong enough for me.
  • Do Japanese women cry differently than the German?
BILL: No, at least I have not noticed the difference! Everywhere we have the most energy. My nightmare would be if the fans do nothing but applaud. Energy need of the fans who let out all their emotions. It shakes me up inside.
  • "How is success in private life? Is it a drop?
BILL: Something like a private life I have. And I should not fool me either. That's why I almost never walk, and if so my guards are always there. Normal contact with people unfortunately do not know anything and I have described rather as an unsociable.
  • Simply choose your time you can not ...
BILL: I love it! For me, some people do to get it all in just two years. But now I would choose the time for myself that does not fill my fridge. In America, I was once at night at 3 am in a totally empty supermarket. Since I'm the one that caught my attention, only this is how I can go shopping.
  • Your refrigerator is full?
BILL: Since I am rarely at home, I have only the common things as bread and coating. During lunch, I'm very simple I may not like the 5-star restaurants. I'd rather eat pasta and pizza. My freezer is bigger than my fridge is full of frozen pizza, so it goes straight to the oven.
  • You'll always very stylish, do you recognize the fans even without taking makeup?
BILL: Of course! When I go to the airport, I get the opposite: I cap and tracksuit. But my fans know me, even my nose apart.
  • How long do you need to fix?
BILL: I do in the meantime, in my routine, between shower and that takes about an hour. I do all that and others have a problem with that approach me to leave. By the way, I take anywhere to do it and when I see pictures of three years ago I also think like you should be running to fix both. But there is nothing to shame me for what I felt at that moment, and rightly so.
  • What is most important?
BILL: My family is there, it keeps me on the floor, and without my twin brother Tom could not survive a single day. Even if we are separated by visitors, and today, we miss. Tom is my beginning, we both feel incomplete without the other and the need is total.
  • often compare you to Michael Jackson. Are you afraid to finish the same way?
BILL: His death was really a very serious and I will not give my opinion about it because I think his death has become a kind of cannibalism by all. Even Michael Jackson has the right to be left alone and would like to contribute a little.
  • But like Jackson, who also chose an androgynous appearance ...

BILL: Yes, that was a fully automatic development. Even in school I have been turned away and had already begun to be different at age 11 when I started to dye my hair. Then I started to eye makeup and paint my nails. He looked like a boy vampire movies, which probably inspired me.
  • Speaking of vampires, you just get strong competition with Robert Pattinson. Are you a fan of "Twilight"?
BILL: Of course! And I was quite skeptical at first, when suddenly all told me his story. Then I saw the first movie and found it really cool.
  • How do you deal with the fact the topic of men and is often said that you are gay?
BILL: That's one thing that bores me a lot! That happens automatically and is part of society. It is an obvious fact, and then rumored something. It is a fact that kids are for me, but it seems perfectly acceptable. Why not? TRANSLATION


Photos Arthur and the Invisibles premiere - Berlin (22:11:09)