Sunday, February 28, 2010

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obtained the award for "Best Bookazine 2009 World " The Gourmand Awards

IRIGOYEN in your kitchen New Prize:
"Best Bookazine 2009" THE WORLD

On 11 February the most important awards given global cookbook, the Gourmand Awards. The ceremony took place at Le Cent Quatre, Paris.
Dolli Irigoyen in your kitchen, which had already received the award for Best Bookazine of Argentina, won the award for "Best World Bookazine 2009", ie the award for Best Paper distributed with a newspaper or magazine category that competed with eight other books.
Dolli Irigoyen in your kitchen included 8 DVD volumes, published by Sony Music, distributed by The Nation, between November 2008 and February 2009. Over 100,000 units sold in Argentina and was the first time published a cookbook with DVDs filmed.
dollies IRIGOYEN in your kitchen. The collection is the first major book published by this prestigious luxury regarding the cuisine of Argentina and American. 152 pages. 3 DVD's. 13 menus. 54 recetasMás of 7 hours.
shot recipe Dolli Irigoyen is one of the most recognized chefs in Argentina with a large national and international career. Its cuisine is known for the originality of their recipes, elegance in the presentation of his dishes and his personal style of versioning the best cuisine mundo.Nacida General Las Heras, a farming town in the province of Buenos Aires -, desde muy pequeña vivió rodeada de sabores y aromas de una cocina familiar en la que se preparaban las delicias cotidianas.Desde aquellos tiempos, Dolli comenzó a forjar su extensa carrera en la que se destacaría no sólo como cocinera, maestra de cocina y comunicadora mediática sino también como propietaria de restaurantes y asesora en el desarrollo de importantes emprendimientos gastronómicos.Su extenso currículum incluye el dictado de clases magistrales y talleres de cocina y la participación en numerosos festivales y certámenes gastronómicos en Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos y Europa. Desde mediados de la década del 90, Dolli incursiona en la TV donde se consolida como una de las comunicadoras más authoritative and respected in culinary matters, with followers throughout the continente.Actualmente, Dolli Irigoyen kitchen gives lectures sponsored by market leaders, attended as special guest judges at various international festivals and competitions, is a member permanent French Culinary Academy, culinary consultant for the American cable channel and owner of "Space Dolli, a creative area where he works with his team of young chefs to develop new proposals. In 2007 he was hired by Sony Music Argentina through its company-a talent DAY1-division development, to develop a series of regional projects and international. This contract marks the first partnership in the history of the corporation with a musical artist. / dolliirigoyen .com / dolliirigoyenoficial
.: Dolli IRIGOYEN is an artist

Day 1 Entertainment


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