Saturday, April 30, 2011

Has Anyone Ever Met A Spammer

OMA Win in Vegas

Yesterday took place the new MTV OMA in Las Vegas. Although in recent months have not given interviews TH and tried to stay out of public eye, they could sneak into the category of "Best Fan Army" with the largest U.S. as Lady Gaga, Rihanna and Justin Bieber . With that positioned the band as the only artist take a European trophy in the continent. The awards were broadcast on livestream and are next to the MTV VMA, MTV VMA Latin America and the EMA's, now the fourth international format was awarded to TH.

A big thank you to the best fans in the world are great!

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Bill Th Th Sweden

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Rumor: Next album in November

As shown in the article of the last FRIDA (Swedish magazine) the album would be planned to be launched in November 2011.

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New photo in the fb profile contest tokio hotel.


Friday, April 29, 2011

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Video Message for Bill and Tom Omusic awards for best "Fan army" Th -army-ftw-announcement /

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won the "best fans" bearded Bill

Magdeburg's band, band Tokio Hotel is the most number of fans "fan army") praise worldwide)
The presentation of the first line of awards MTV music channel (MTV O-Awards ") is collected German rockers ppor most votes coveted Audience Award. "We won" the triumph of American fanclub Tokyo on Friday on its website. No other band in the world that has a dedicated and loyal "army fan," as the group headed by Tom and Bill Kaulitz. Other "O Music Awards" went to Lady Gaga, Kanye West, Adam Lambert and Willow Smith, daughter of ten years of Will and Jada Pinkett Smith.
Unlike the Grammys, American Music Awards and MTV all previous ceremonies were stars and fans at the ceremony of the new online price equal to honor. The show was broadcast from the lively Fremont Street in Las Vegas and gave up any formality. "We support everyone here. Who have a cell phone or a computer can participate, "said the vice president of digital music, MTV Music Group, Shannan Connolly.


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Thursday, April 28, 2011

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busy week Easter? Santa nothing ... We spend a Dibu

Wednesday of Holy Week ...
I'm working and I get an sms Virgi: "When you go home, look in the photo folder on your computer"
I call to try to find it, although I imagined it. No sound. Phone off or out of coverage. Fuck.
eager to get home, nerves could not me.
Nervous, excited, hot, ... fuck, no time passes.
I leave work, rushed back home, or eat or anything ... directly to the computer. Activity
in the folder and I find these three photos, forgive the quality, you know, are taken with a webcam.

My cock jumps like a spring ... fuck, has become staying with his lover ... the first straw not long in coming ... I run over the computer desk ... almost without touching. Recently a
out this amazing, she and me. uffff.
mid-afternoon, try to contact her again and nothing, phone off, dammit.
my cock back to life and makes me hard as a rock. Cae
the second straw.
but I do not want heat, I prefer to wait to come, but inevitably, I spent the rest pm hot and horny ...
comes home, looking dislodged face slut face that is very very folladita.
She was with her lover in a hotel and have spent the afternoon fucking, only stopping to eat in the same room, which tells me that when asked for food, she went to get the waiter to open bathrobe. That's one of my biggest fantasies ... ummm
Damn, is becoming a whole slut. Summary
gave me, 4 powders almost non-stop, just for the food.
In the shower, in bed, on the ground was good folladita.

I love when he comes and goes telling me everything he has done, has labonita mania while he tells me, caressing my hard cock and slowly I will masturbating, while a voice tells me all hot and intense gaze. Even
often lets me fuck her and cum where he has run his lover.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

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Recalling ^ ^ .....


Ready , Set, Go!

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The new single comes out in Japan Facebook

Japan is preparing to celebrate the launch of a new single of Tokio Hotel, one of the most beloved in the world.

These "Monsoon", the song chosen for the German group's debut was a springboard to Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg. Tras el éxito de Darkside Of The Sun, los fans asiáticos van a poder disfrutar de Monsun o koete (traducción literal: “Más allá del monzón”).

Aunque esta noticia esté dirigida exclusivamente al país del Sol Naciente, los fans europeos y americanos también esperan impacientes el lanzamiento del tema para descubrir si tendrá el mismo impacto del pasado cuando salió a los demás mercados.
Monsun o koete estará acompañado por un videoclip rodado en Cape Town, Sudáfrica.

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Recibimos fotos impresionantes hasta ahora en nuestro concurso TH for Japan - esta es la primera de ellas. Sigue enviándolas para tener la posibilidad de verla aquí en la página de facebook de TH así como para tener la posibilidad de ganar un anillo de TH realmente único. Para más información sobre el concurso visita:

traducido by LoRe © schrei im zimmer483

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Tokio Hotel Tokyo, Japan (11/02/2011) Bill

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Kaulitz visit the Coachella festival in May Inrock

After both time without news of the members of rock band Tokio Hotel Alamenos!. Today news broke that the singer Bill Kaulitz was seen at the Coachella festival, held in California, a source said:

Bill was here, was accompanied by some girls, one with blond hair copper and bangs. Has not seen his brother in the festival and they have not been recognized. Bill was dressed in black, with short sleeves.

No picture of Bill in this festival to come. Http://
April 20, 2011

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" Inspire us on things like movies, for the environment, every day or just when you wake up. " Tokio Hotel

showed concern for Japan. The band led by brothers twins, Bill and Tom Kaulitz who kindly agreed to a telephone interview from Los Angeles.

Q: How have you guys been?
Bill: We wrote new songs in the studio, waiting for the launch of new projects and stuff.

Q: Are you writing new songs for next album?
Tom: If you are or not for the next album, just make new music. We still have no clear idea that we will for the next album and we do not know where to start. We are creative when it comes to writing music.

Q: What type of music are you writing? Do you sing in English or are in German?
Bill: At this time the songs are written about in English. I do not know exactly why but it is already natural for me, well, we are living in Los Angeles so one way or another everything is done English. However we are not sure how vamo finish the album because we want songs in German. We have nothing decided yet, we are thinking about and trying different things when we put a demo of songs together.

Q: Is there any pressure from the record company to finish the album on a specific date or do not care when it is finished?
Tom: (Laughs) Not that they equal when finished, but had fun.

Bill: Ajam, technically we do not have a deadline, I mean for my deadlines are like nightmares. That is, you're doing the best you can, you're working hard but if you have a deadline bother him everything he does as more difficult (because of the stress of completing the fast COSAR that.) The most important thing is to have freedom to enjoy what I gutta do. Even if it comes to making songs for a new album and preparing every detail of this is something that has to get out from within. That is why what we do easy and we can enjoy new challenges.
(probably referring to the challenge of creating new music).

Q: So what kind of challenges are you doing? What kind of music you want to create?
Tom: It's surprise, we will keep it until you leave the póximo album. For the moment, we are creating something different every day. We hear various types of music, and we are inspired by different things so it depends on the mood you're at all times. We do it every day and every day is a new day. (Ole Tom, how great you xDDDDD).

Bill: That's why is why we do not have a definitive sound for the album.

Q: What kind of music inspires you?
Tom: It's not just music for now I like old songs from Anthony Hamilton.
Bill: We are also inspired by the movies and the happening in our environment. Every day live in a place like Los Angeles is very refreshing and so inspiring. The simple act of waking up every morning is an inspiration but I guess movies are the greatest inspiration, we love movies, going to the movies or we get one of our more than 1000 dvd we have at home.

Q: Any good movie?
Bill: "The town" was good, also "The Fighter" was great.

Q: What about your life in Los Angeles, believe you can have a normal life? After comparison to be "unknown" in Germany.
Bill: Well, both Vivim in LA because we wanted privacy, but we could not have much privacy the truth, and it is very difficult to achieve in Europe due to various circumstances (fans and that) so we are looking for a place where we can be free, creative and at the same time privacy. So far we have been on tours and have not had time to no life outside of Tokyo Hotel. So LA is better because it is a little different. Paparazzi do not know where we live so we have a little privacy and things are easier.

Tom: It means that we are all on holiday and that, most of the time spent in the study.

Bill: Right, we need to be cautious at all times.
(You can understand a bit about that Bill refers to the paparazzi, who can go longer without having to worry so much and that is not very clear .. but that's what it says).

Q: So there is some sort of routine in your life?
Bill: We are saddened when there is routine, so do something different every day. We looked at the emails, now are filled with various projects this year. Is in the planning and we have not yet reached all the details. There are several things we gutaría do this year. The best part of our work is the freedom to do what we want. We hate routine, and hate because we have no choice.

Q: Lastly, Do you mean something to you people of Japan?
Bill: Sure, we've been watching the news every day and have been a day of everything that has happened there, do not think we're just us but the whole world knows what is happening and deeply has shocked us all. Everyone wants to help in one way or another. Especially in this time and this year, I think it is important to the world that we are all together and we help. Vre is totally gorgeous as everyone lends a hand to Japan!

Tom: I was (Oo) when I found out what was happening in Japan. After all Japan is special to us and we had a really bad when we found out why we have been informed of the latest news, how were the people and all that. In fact, in our official website (known as Tom's blog) we are selling plates Tokio Hotel and the proceeds will be sent to Japan. We believe that our fans will also want to help.

Q: Is there any song that can be devoted to those who still feel depressed?
Bill: Since everyone is different, it is difficult to find a song for everyone but if you choose one of our songs, would choose "by your side" (*.*) and zoom into me "(*.*). Both give a message that you are not alone. After all, it makes you feel good if people are with you.

- Translated by Sonia (Bekah)

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Fans of Guatemala and France in the World Day Voting

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TH Th as "Best Headliner" in Myz # voting

You go, you hit the button to the right of the picture where it says "Отдать голос" write the code and that's it = D

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

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! Another

The great master drawings ... Sergio best known for DosTetas ... we've spent well, has dedicated a great body of dibujazo Virgi ...
thousand, two thousand and three thousand thanks!
is uffff ... perfect!
This artist, known for making drawings of the great Maya and the great NenaKo, also by his blog and his cuts TIEAs tits hottie, has given us the luxury of Virgi see the body of one of his drawings.
Thanks again. Beautiful drawing. I have been luxury.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

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autographs ...

Here's another of dedications, our friend Maebe .
Maebe and his boy are in Madrid and is one of the couples who have met through this world.
She became very good friends with Virgie.
Guys, we hope soon to get back to everything we do ... We

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Friday, April 1, 2011

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Bill Tv? xD Tokio Hotel for Japan

Minute 0:34